This PLAY SERIES 192 pages book is made out of uncoated multi color 75/80 GSM paper and comes in four-color options. Cover stock is 285 GSM Dali felt mart uncoated from Gruppo Cordenons Spa, Italy. The book is center thread sewn with back squared and rounded corners.
myPAPERCLIP Play Series Notebook Ruled, Multi-Color 192 Pages
Đặt mua myPAPERCLIP Play Series Notebook Ruled, Multi-Color 192 Pages

myPAPERCLIP Play Series Notebook Ruled, Multi-Color 192 Pages
Bạn vui lòng nhập đúng số điện thoại để chúng tôi sẽ gọi xác nhận đơn hàng trước khi giao hàng. Xin cảm ơn!
Đánh giá myPAPERCLIP Play Series Notebook Ruled, Multi-Color 192 Pages
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